Dream About Being Kidnapped: 7 Common Meanings And What They Mean

Generally, a dream about being kidnapped is categorized as a nightmare. This is due to the mental trauma associated with abduction. Kidnapping, regardless of whether you are the victim or you know someone who is, can trigger a series of negative emotions. So, what does it mean when you dream about being kidnapped?

Dreams about being kidnapped mean that you are in constant fear of losing your freedom and independence to someone around you trying to take control of your life. These feelings will most likely render you weak, and you may end up questioning if your life choices are right or wrong.

In this article, we will explore the various possible meanings of dreaming about being kidnapped and offer some insights into how you can better understand this dream. Whether you are trying to make sense of your own dream or just want to learn more about the symbolism of dreams in general, this article will provide you with some helpful information. So let’s dive in and take a closer look at what it might mean to dream about being kidnapped.

Key Takeaways

  • Dreams about being kidnapped may symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control in waking life.
  • This dream may also be related to issues of trust, such as feeling betrayed by someone or feeling that others are taking advantage of you.
  • For some, the dream interpretation may represent a desire for change or a need to escape from a difficult situation.

What does it mean to dream about being kidnapped?

What does it mean to dream about being kidnapped

The meaning of dreams about being kidnapped could be a manifestation of feeling lost or off track in one’s life.

It is not uncommon for people to feel as though they are being pulled in different directions or that they are not in control of their own lives.

In this case, the dream of being kidnapped could symbolize a sense of being powerless or unable to make decisions for oneself.

Dreaming about being kidnapped can be an unsettling and frightening experience.

It is not uncommon for people to wonder what this type of dream might mean and how it may be connected to their waking life.

Like with so many other dreams, it is unlikely that the dream about being kidnapped bears only a single interpretation or two.

This is because the variations depend on certain elements present in your vision and waking life circumstances.

1. Being trapped or stuck

Alternatively, the dream could be a reflection of a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a situation that is not fulfilling or that does not align with one’s goals and values. 

In this case, the dream of being kidnapped could represent a desire for change or a need to escape from a situation that is not serving you well.

2. Someone is manipulating you

To have such a dream could also be a manifestation of feelings of manipulation in waking life. 

The dream could symbolize a sense of being controlled or influenced by others against one’s will.

This may be particularly relevant if the dreamer has a history of feeling manipulated or controlled by others, or if they are currently in a situation where they feel as though they are being taken advantage of.

3. Trust issues

It is also worth noting that dreams about being kidnapped may be related to issues of trust, such as feeling betrayed by someone or feeling that others are taking advantage of you. 

When this is true, the dream could be a reflection of a lack of trust in one’s relationships or a need to set boundaries and assert oneself in order to feel more in control.

4. Overwhelmed or overburdened

Certainly, such a nightmare could be a manifestation of feeling overwhelmed or overburdened in your everyday.

It is not uncommon for people to feel as though they have too much on their plate, and this can be a source of stress and anxiety. 

In this case, the dream could symbolize a sense of being overwhelmed or out of control and could be a reflection of a need to prioritize and manage one’s responsibilities more effectively.

If you have a dream about being kidnapped and you feel that it may be related to feeling overwhelmed in waking life, it may be helpful to take a step back and assess the demands and responsibilities that you are currently facing. 

Are there any tasks or commitments that you can delegate or eliminate in order to lighten your load?

Are there any ways that you can better manage your time or prioritize your responsibilities in order to feel more in control?

5. You are your worst enemy

Some people found out that this dream is actually a manifestation of feeling held back or blocked in some way in their life, usually by themselves.

Sometimes we don’t actually know that we are our own worst enemy, and to unknowingly stand in the way of our own success and happiness. 

In this case, the dream of being kidnapped could symbolize a sense of being trapped or held back by one’s own thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors.

To move past this dream it may be helpful to take some time to reflect on what might be standing in your way. Are there any negative thought patterns or behaviors that you engage in that may be holding you back? Are there any beliefs or attitudes that you hold that may be limiting your potential or preventing you from moving forward?

6. Insecurities in your love life

Certainly, dreaming about being kidnapped could be a manifestation of feelings of insecurity or uncertainty in one’s love life or relationships. 

Such a dream may appear when you are feeling vulnerable or uncertain in your relationships. In this case, the dream could symbolize a sense of being trapped or held hostage by the emotions or expectations of others. 

It could also be a reflection of a need to reassess one’s relationship choices or to work on building a stronger sense of self-worth and independence.

7. Break out of your comfort zone

One additional possible meaning of dreaming about being kidnapped could be that it represents your desire for adventure or a need to break out of one’s comfort zone. 

When you are feeling restless or unfulfilled in your current circumstances, such a dream may appear.

In this case, the dream could symbolize a desire for change or a need to take risks and try new things in order to experience new challenges and growth.

How can I interpret the meaning of my dream about being kidnapped?

To interpret the meaning of a dream about being kidnapped, it can be helpful to consider the context and symbols within the dream, as well as one’s own personal associations and experiences.

Some questions to consider when interpreting a dream about being kidnapped might include:

  • What was happening in the dream? Were you being chased or pursued by someone? Did you feel threatened or in danger?
  • Who was involved in the dream? Were you being held captive by strangers, or by someone you know?
  • What was the setting of the dream? Were you being held captive in a specific location, or were you being taken to an unfamiliar place?
  • How did you feel in the dream? Were you scared or panicked? Did you feel powerless or helpless?
  • What other symbols or themes appeared in the dream? Were there any animals, objects, or people that seemed significant or meaningful?

By considering these questions and any other relevant details, you may be able to gain insight into the meaning of your dream and any underlying fears or concerns that it may be reflecting. 

It is important to remember that dream interpretation is subjective, and what a dream means to one person may be different for another.

It is important to consider your own personal associations and experiences when interpreting your dreams.

Dream of being kidnapped and escaping meaning

A dream of being kidnapped and escaping means you will soon secure the freedom and control you desire or that which you lost.

It can also be deciphered to mean you are familiar with attempts or even success in people trying to control you.

These manipulators could be people in a position of power over you: a teacher, your parents, etc.

The escaping point means that you will soon find a way out of that manipulative relationship.

It could be graduation that renders you free from your teacher’s grip or a job that gives you financial freedom.

There are circumstances in your waking life that you are trying to escape from either consciously or unconsciously.

Either way, such a condition could manifest in a dream of being kidnapped and escaping.

The dream also means that your insecurities and worries in life might be weighing you down.

The ability to escape means that despite how much pressure such feelings and emotions have in your waking life, you can always find a way to get through them if only you try hard enough.

It highlights the courage and resilience the dreamer executes in their path to achieve their personal legends.

Therefore, it is a call to action for the dreamer to search deep within for the strength and willpower to overcome challenges in their life.

This dream is also considered a positive omen as it mostly bears positive signs.

Dream about someone else being kidnapped

When it is people you know, a dream about someone else being kidnapped reflects mainly on the relationship between you and them.

It could be your care so much about them and are always trying to ensure they are safe. It could be a child, a parent, a love partner, or even a very close friend.

When you have no control over the safety of these people, your feelings of powerlessness in this particular situation manifest in a dream about them being kidnapped.

On a somewhat negative note, it could be that you are the manipulative party making sure that someone close to you never lives as their authentic self.

This means you are holding them back from being themselves 100%. Suppose the person being kidnapped in your dream is your mother or father figure.

In that case, the dream about someone else being kidnapped translates to you breaking out of the parental control and responsibilities put on you by your parents.

Where a dream about someone else being kidnapped involves a sibling, it may mean secrets between you and them.

Such a relationship is likely to feature manipulative acts from either you or the sibling.

Another interpretation of this dream is that it is a premonition that the kidnapped people are on the verge of going through an unfortunate event in their waking life.

Biblical meaning of being kidnapped in a dream

The general biblical meaning of being kidnapped in a dream is that you face challenges in your waking life restricting your spiritual, physical, emotional, or even professional growth.

However, it is believed that another biblical interpretation of the being kidnapped dream is that God is saving you or hiding you from the hands of evildoers.

The dream also represents moments of extreme pressure in your waking life such that they manifest in a dream. These situations can be hopeless and dangerous.

You are in a situation that has left you a victim of other people’s acts of unfairness towards you. You thereby feel betrayed and hurt.

Dream of being kidnapped by a stranger

Dream of being kidnapped by a stranger

The dream of being kidnapped by a stranger means that the kidnapper has power and control over your life.

You might want to reexamine the people in your waking life and find out who has the potential to have so much power over you.

Depending on the emotions evoked throughout your dream, there is a high chance that somebody in your waking life renders you powerless.

It might be someone you know, or you are yet to meet. The dream could imply that your subconscious is reliving past traumas and negative experiences, and your conscious self is slowly catching up.

This could be a result of suppressed emotions or feelings that need to be addressed.

Dreaming of being kidnapped by a stranger can also mean you are losing focus, and your choices and actions are no longer aligned with your success.

It could be that you are afraid or reluctant to take up certain necessary responsibilities that will propel you to succeed.

The dream also represents the dreamer’s fear of losing their freedom to those in power.

What does it mean to dream about being kidnapped by someone unknown?

At face value, the dream about being kidnapped by someone unknown to us seems like a textbook definition of a nightmare.

This is because we automatically attach the emotions we would have towards the situation if it happened in the real world.

However, the dream has almost nothing to do with actual kidnapping misfortunes in the interpretation realm. Instead, it projects our real-life circumstances, desires, and fears.

It means that an element in your personality is at the point of influencing your waking life and behavior as an attempt to access your subconscious mind.

It also means the dreamer is disregarding an aspect of their personality.

For instance, they neglect to practice self-care on themselves as they should.

The stranger in this dream directly reflects our feelings and attitudes towards unfamiliar people and situations in our lives.

Depending on waking life’s prevailing circumstances, the dream may reflect how they respond to and view other people and their ability to forgive themselves for their mistakes.

Dream of a child being kidnapped

Assuming you are a keen follower of dream interpretations, you are aware that the presence of a child or children in a dream (of course, depending on context) represents the dreamer’s joy, success, and lifelong achievements.

It then makes sense that the dream of a kidnapped child would translate to pressing issues in the dreamer’s life that demand urgent intervention.

For instance, a dream like having a stolen child represents the dreamer’s loss of control over a critical subject.

Dreams of a child being kidnapped can be traumatizing to the dreamer as it presents like a nightmare.

However, understanding that the dream does not correlate with waking life kidnappings can help put your mind at ease. It also helps in interpreting the said dream.

The child in a kidnapping dream can be used to represent all that is pure and innocent in the dreamer’s life.

It then means that when a child is kidnapped in the dream, the interpretation in waking life should be that the dreamer is at the brink of losing something substantial in their life.

The dream is more prevalent in people transitioning from one point to an elevated chapter of life.

The dream of a child being kidnapped also reflects the level of attachment with those around us.

For instance, if the dreamer is already a parent, then the dream magnifies their desire to protect their child at all costs.

It could also be a close relationship with a friend or a family member.

Sudden feelings of insecurity, especially when it comes to their safety, could trigger this dream.

Suppose the kidnapper in the dream is someone we know.

In that case, a careful examination of our waking life will reflect feelings of insecurities around this person.

It might not be precisely the person undertaking the kidnapping act in the dream, but anyone close to us with questionable motives.)

If in the dream of a child being kidnapped, the kidnapper is a parent of the child, then the dream symbolizes significant problems in the family that need urgent attention.

Why do I keep dreaming about being kidnapped?

Generally, recurring dreams about being kidnapped are rooted in the dreamer’s loss of control in certain aspects of their lives.

This is because the mere act of being kidnapped takes away control over what happens to you and transfers all the power to the kidnapper.

Recurring dreams of being kidnapped could mean an intense level of anxiety in the dreamers waking life or a situation or challenge in their real life that acts as the trigger.

External expectations with no room for disappointment, and new positions in life that have taken away your absolute control over your life, such as a new marriage, can provoke one to experience the dream.

Below is a list of situations that could answer why you keep dreaming about being kidnapped.

  • Inability to influence your children’s choices in life.
  • An uncontrollable addiction.
  • Failure to control and manage your finances is characterized by increased debts.
  • A bad working environment that you can’t influence to your liking.
  • An unmanageable relationship between you and your partner or those you hold dear.

Dream about being kidnapped and sexually assaulted

If you dreamed about being kidnapped and sexually assaulted, it is essential to point out that the victim’s power to defend themselves has been taken away.

In that case, the dream represents feelings of having to do things, e.g., being forced to take up certain responsibilities against one’s will. It highlights an element of coercion.

Dreams about being kidnapped and sexually assaulted are more prevalent in sexual assault victims.

Their occurrence, therefore, implies instances of traumas that never healed.

In such a case, there is a high chance the dreamer is subconsciously reliving the assault ordeal.

In a rather twisted situation, people with a subconscious desire to be sexually dominated may become victims of dreams about being kidnapped and sexually assaulted.

Dream about being kidnapped by an ex-boyfriend

When you dreamed about being kidnapped by an ex-boyfriend, there is a high chance that you are still emotionally attached to him.

You might want to address the issue before it runs out of control.

Depending on the context of the dream, the emotional ties may be from both you and your ex-boyfriend, you alone or him alone.

Regardless of who is holding on to the possibility of rekindling the relationship, the dream means you should consider moving on and stop reliving the past.

Dream about being kidnapped and falling in love

What are the chances that such an immoral act would result in something beautiful as love in waking life?

Dreaming about being kidnapped and falling in love is taken to reflect on the dreamer’s ability or potential to turn a bad situation into something worthwhile.

Such a dream reflects the dreamer’s fearless character in waking life. That’s why in the dream, they don’t fear their assailant.

Such a situation can also be described by understanding what Stockholm syndrome means.

The dream about being kidnapped and falling in love with your kidnapper can be assumed to mean the dreamer is likely to experience a period of great success in their life.

Dream of being Kidnapped and killed

If literally believed, the dream qualifies to be among the top 10 nightmares we can experience in our lifetime.

However, the dream of being kidnapped and killed has a different meaning from what it means from its literal understanding.

For one, the dream can be interpreted to mean the dreamer needs a connection, say a relationship with other people.

It signifies a desire to end one’s loneliness by developing a social life with other people. I.e., the desire to belong to a team.

The dream highlights the importance of human connections and interactions.

People living in solitude are more likely to experience such dreams as human connection is at the center of health and wellness.

In some situations, the dream reflects the dreamer’s lack of self-confidence in their approach to life and even fears of being misunderstood.

It also touches on one’s difficulty in making decisions, especially when faced with significant challenges in life.

You are not entirely indecisive, but your perception of life and the fact that your mind is usually all over the place in a situation make it difficult to make a decision.

In the professional aspect, dreaming about being kidnapped and killed signifies instants of professional confusion.

I.e., you may feel you love your job, perform well, and are even loved by your superiors and equals, but you always desire more.

Dreams about attempted kidnapping

Like all other dreams about kidnappings, a dream about attempted kidnapping also bears an element of losing control. 

The only difference is, while in successful kidnapping dreams, control is usually lost, in an attempted kidnapping dream, the dreamer is aware they are losing control and takes a step to rectify the situation.

The dream can therefore be interpreted to mean unexpected good luck in the dreamers waking life.

Dream about being kidnapped and killing the kidnapper

In all dreams about kidnapping, this is likely the most unusual scenario.

This dream is usually taken to represent the dreamer’s conscious self which could also mean the ego-self.

The kidnapper figure is assumed to be a manifestation of the unconscious self.

If the kidnapper (unconscious self) proves to be dangerous in the dream, the dream means that the dreamer has repressed a part of themself from ever being known.

The longer the repression or prevention from openly existing, the more aggressive and even dangerous that part becomes in the dream.

When the kidnapper (unconscious self) results in kidnapping you (the conscious self), it means that the repressed part of your life is feeling alienated to the point it feels the only way to exist freely is to assume control by abducting you.

If the dreamer kills the kidnapper in the dream, the conscious self has no intention of cohabitating with the unconscious.

At this point, the dreamer should undertake a self-examination exercise to determine exactly which part of themselves they have been hiding or repressing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dreams about being kidnapped be a manifestation of real-life fears or concerns?

Yes, dreams about being kidnapped can be a manifestation of real-life fears or concerns. Dreams are often influenced by the events and experiences of our waking lives. They can be a way for our minds to process and make sense of the things that are happening around us. In this case, a dream about being kidnapped may be a reflection of a real-life fear or concern about being overwhelmed, powerless, or vulnerable in some way.

Are there any common symbols or themes that may appear in a dream about being kidnapped?

There are a number of common symbols or themes that may appear in a dream about being kidnapped. Some examples could include: being chased or pursued, held captive or imprisoned, taken to unfamiliar places, threatened or in danger. It is important to consider the context and symbolism of the dream, as well as one’s own personal associations and experiences when interpreting its meaning.

Is it normal to have dreams about being kidnapped or held captive?

It is not uncommon for people to have dreams about being kidnapped or held captive, and this type of dream can be a common theme in people’s dreams. Dreams about being kidnapped or held captive may symbolize a variety of feelings and experiences, such as feeling overwhelmed or out of control, feeling vulnerable or powerless, or a desire for change or adventure. If you are having dreams about being kidnapped or held captive and they are causing you concern or distress, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist or counselor who can help you explore any underlying fears or concerns that may be influencing the dream.


There is so much that goes into the interpretation of dreams about being kidnapped.

A comprehensive analysis of the dream, i.e., the context, the emotions present, and even the prevailing waking life situations, all play an essential role in determining exactly what your dream means.

If you’re looking for more information about the meaning of your dreams, be sure to check out our free dream directory A-Z.

This comprehensive resource includes a wide range of common dream symbols and themes, along with detailed explanations of their possible meanings. 

For any comments or questions regarding dreams about kidnapping, feel free to write to us for comprehensive coverage of the subject.

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